It’s a given that you need to be especially careful about hygiene in the rainy season, as the cold and flu viruses are contagious. Here are some health tips that can help you prevent Cold and Flu during the rainy season:

  1. Get Flu vaccines

    Flu vaccine is a protective and preventive measures used against cold and flu related complications, it also helps to reduces the risk of flu symptoms.

  2. Increase the Intake of Vitamin C

    Regular intake of Vitamin C supports a healthy immune system and lack of its can make you prone to getting sick. Often, vitamin C is recommended as a cold remedy.

  3. Exercise Regularly

    It’s a proven fact that regular exercise reduces the number of illnesses. It aids in improving the immune function and keeps you fit. People who indulge in regular physical activities are generally a healthy lot.

  4. tress Less

    Cold always seems to strike when the body is overworked or emotionally exhausted and this weaken the immune system which make you more prone to getting sick often, it is advisable to manage your stress well and practice meditation to calm yourself down.

  5. Eat well

    Nourishing the body with balance diet helps to boost the immune system such as sufficient proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Sudrex Cough and Cold give you the best relief you can ever imagine, but if cold has persisted for 3 weeks without improvement, it is sensible to visit a doctor.

Always remember that Sudrex comes in 3 packs (Sudrex Headache & Fever, Sudrex Cold & Cough and Sudrex Joint & Muscle Pain) to provide you fast relief #ReliefMoment with Sudrex.


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