Being productive at work requires being more deliberate about how you manage your time. We recommend these few tips to increase productivity at work.

  1. Get enough sleep: Getting enough rest at night keeps you alert, increases your concentration and productivity throughout the day.
  2. Take regular breaks: Working longer hours doesn’t always mean you are getting the Job done. Taking regular breaks in between work helps increase concentration and boost productivity. Take a walk round the office, grab a lunch or rest for a couple of minutes before heading back to your desk.
  3. Prioritize: It’s advisable to prioritize your work in order of importance and how best you work. e.g. if you are a morning person, it’s important to carry out important tasks or big goals when you are most alert leaving the rest of your task after your break.
  4. Use productivity tools: Productivity tools such as rescue time, gmail, google calendar can help you reduce the amount of time you spend in front of your laptop, set reminders and track your daily productivity.

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