The viruses responsible for cold or flu are usually present all around the year but the rainy season seems to offer the most conducive environment for them to flourish. The damp and humid rainy season plays a perfect host to the infections that can disrupt your social life and work.

There are ways to limit your exposure to cold or flu, especially in this era of coronavirus. To ensure your health and safety, you should do the following:

  1. Avoid crowded places: Many people may still go to work when down with a cold or flu. In the crowd, it becomes difficult to identify people who are sick. It is, therefore, only important to avoid crowded places. Also, stand at 2 metres or 6 feet from other people.

  2. Wash your hands frequently: The importance of good hand hygiene cannot be emphasized enough. Viruses commonly enter the body when you touch your mouth, eyes or nose with infected hands. Clean hands reduce your chance of being exposed to infections and viruses. So, wash hands with soap and running water or use hand sanitizer (in the absence of water and soap).

  3. Stay dry: During the rainy season, one can’t really tell whether or not it will rain in a few minutes. So, it is vital you always have an umbrella or a raincoat at all times. Staying drenched for hours increases the chance of someone being infected with the cold or flu virus. The more you keep yourself dry and warm, the less are the chances for you to catch a cold or flu.

  4. Disinfect all surfaces: Use disinfectants containing alcohol to wipe clean the doorknobs and handles, tables, TV remotes, telephones (even your mobile phones every now and then), keyboards as the cold or flu viruses can thrive on such surfaces.

When you start having cold or flu symptoms, you can trust Sudrex cold and cough for fast relief. 


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