Body aches are extremely common and can be symptoms of many conditions. Aches can also be caused by your everyday lifestyle especially if you stand, walk or exercise for a long period of time.

It is helpful to understand the cause of body ache and seek medical attention when appropriate.


  1. Stress: When you are stressed out, your immune system can’t control its response to sickness. This can cause your body to ache as it becomes more susceptible to inflammation and infection throughout your body.
  2. Dehydration- Water is an essential ingredient for your body’s normal and healthy functioning. When you become dehydrated and these processes don’t work well, you tend to feel physical pain as a result.
  3. Lack of sleep – Not getting enough sleep can impact your overall health. Your brain needs it to stay refreshed and alert. Without this, your body doesn’t have time to rest and replenish essential energies and this can lead to pain.
  4. Cold or flu: These are both viral infections that can cause infection. These infection attack your body and your immune system attempts to fight them off. This causes the rest of your body to ache as your body works hard to fight the infections.


  1. Resting: Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule every night. Your body needs to follow a daily rhythm to stay healthy.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids: Aim to drink about 8 ounce glasses of water every day, plus more if you’re physically active and sweat a lot. Also, drinking beverages/fluids with extra electrolytes can help keep you hydrated.
  3. Taking over the counter medication: Take pain relievers such as Sudrex for Joint and Muscle which provides fast relief for pain and aches.
  4. Having a warm bath: This will help relax muscles and ease tension in the body
  5. Make changes to your daily lifestyle: Meditate for a few minutes per day, take a walk to remove yourself from triggers, take short naps throughout the day to refresh yourself.


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